Adjust the Oven Thermostat
_O/l l/lay till(1 that VOilE new ();'ell cooks
differently than the one it replaced, lJse your
IleW o\ en _k)r a f_w weeks to becoI/le Illore
fhmiliar with it. If you still think your new
oven is too hot or too cold, you can a@ust
tile thermostat yourself.
Do llOt rise therI/lOllleters, stlch as those fOtllld
in grocer} stores, to check the temperature
setting of _our o'_ell. These thermometers ma}
var\ 90-41i degrees.
NOTE: ThLs agljltstment will only c{/./bctbahb_g"
temDefatlt**,.V it does not ({[/i_ctbmilb@ co_v¢ction or
se(/icleanit_g •tempemtu*_,s. The ag_iustment will be
fetaind in memo* 3' ((/io' a /)o'o_er/_dlu**,.
7b adjust
the oven
Press tile BAI_7, and BROIL HIGH/LOW
pads at tile salne tilne for 3 seconds tmtil tile
displa} shows "SF."
Press tile BAI_] pad of tile oxen on which
you want to a(!just tile oxen therlnostat.
A two-digit number shows in tile displa}.
Press BAKE once to decrease (-) tile oxen
telnperature, or twice to increase (+).
Tile oven telnperature can be at!lusted up
to (+) 35°F hotter or (-) 35°F cooler. Press
tile imlnber pads tile salne way you read
theln. For exalnple, to change tile oven
telnperature 15°F, press 1 and 5.
X_hen xou haxe inade tile a(!justn/ent, press
the START pad to go back to the tilne of dax
display. Use your oxen as you would normallx.
Th,e tSl)eof
will ({[/bct
pe /brma nce. t
Most recipes %r baking have been developed
using high-iht products such as butter or
margarine (80% tht). If you decrease tile tht,
tile recipe may not give the same results as
with a highePtht product.
Recipe thilure can result if cakes, pies,
pastries, cookies or candies are made with
low-tht spreads. Tile lower tile Iht content
of a spread product, the more noticeable
these ditterences become.
Federal standards require products labeled
"margarine" to contain at least 80% tht bv
weight. Low-fat spreads, on tile othe_ hand,
contain less K_t and more water. Tile high
moisture content of these spreads aflbct tile
texture and flavor of baked goods. For best
results with wmr old thw)rite recipes, use
margarine, l'_utter or stick spreads containing
at least 70% vegetable oil.