(hlstomer Infbrmation
4dvat_ium Ovet_
Congratulations! You are now part of the cooking revolution!
As part of the vision to help consumers live bettei; easier lives, Monogram inuoduces the
revolutionaiw Advantium oven with Speedcook technology. This new oven roasts, bakes,
browns and bcoils,just like your co_ventional oven--only faster_and with delicious
results. Yo u also save time bec au se Adwm ti um ceq u ices no preheati ng.
The inff)cmation on the fbllowing pages will help you operate and maintain vour new
A(hantium o_en. _A;_appreciate your purchase, and hope }<)u _ill (ontinue to rel_ on us
whenete_ }ou need quali b appliances tb_ }ore home. _ thank }on tk. bu}ing Monogram.
Fill out the Consumer Product Registrati<m Cmd.
_o Easy Ways _b Register Your Appliance:'
[] Th ro ugh the im_tern eta t ge.com.
[] Complete amidmail the enclosed Product Registration Card.
dozun the
modal O"
\_m can find them on a label, behil_d the
open oven door, on the fcont fi_ce.
These numbers are also on the Consumei
Product Ownership Registration Card
packed separately with your oven.
Proof of the odghml purchase date is
needed to obtain seivice undec the
wailan tv.
For future reference, please write these
numbers here:
Modd Number
Serial Number
_ad this
Inside vou will find man}_ helpful hints <m vour pact ca_ saxe vou a great deal of time
how to use and maintain vour oxen al?d m(mev oxer the ]if> ofyour oxen.
pcoperly, just a little pcexentixe (are <m
½()1 ll flIld i-_lailv aIls_geIs to coIllI'_loll
p_oblems in the B@_ }bu Call t;}_rS_rz&_
section. If _ou rexiex_ ou_ chart of
7)'oubles,l_oo_Mg 7:!p.sfirst, you mav not
need to call fin serxice at all.
If you do need serxice, you can relax
knowing help is only a phone call awav.
A list of toll-free customer serxice numbers
is included i_ the back se( tion.
Contact us at _VWW, I'_'IOI_O_TaI'_LCO1TL