dvat_tium Ovet_
(;ootdrzg t!ps
,/br great
t(LSting r'e,s"ugLs
fl_( _w_-.s_k:l¢m(_al tray, arra'l_g( fi2od a.s
.sho_m bdo_.
Cimular paller_t
(t{xample: bi_cuiLs, cookie,s)
l_ods can touck but should not overlap.
Si& I0 ,side pall_ r_
(Example: meals and poulh3)
Spoke patg#r_t Si_tg'le la3_r
(t{xample: c_,_(:em' _d{_, b_,adsgicl_s) (Example: ai2petize_:0
t2_z<st_,mat ckicker_ ,fisT_or s_@)od tkat kas beer_,fivz,m skould be thawed befi_re
cooking (tt. mi(rowav_ dqf!o.stjiatu,_ ((m lw us.l). For otlu*rf!,)z_n p,_.kacl._ged
.f!)ods .f!)llow [)acka_ dir_ctior_s.
Repeat last
Use this dine ._aving,featu'_@w cooking
_z'petitive items like (:ooki_s or appetize_:_.
I. Press and hold the SPEEDCOOK
pad tbr 3 seconds.
2. The last pre-set food will be
NOTE: 77._ last [),tug'ram used i_ sto_z_d
j;,r two kou_:s'.
3. Press the START/PAUSE pad or
the selector dial to start cooking.
P_¢s _ _lzg 1.
@@ @@ @ ,,.
If your food needs to cook a bit
longer, you can restart the oven
by pressing the START/PAUSE
pad or selector dial.
displayed and the oxen will
restart immediately at 10%
of the original time.
The program stays in memory %r
l 0 minutes. Alter that you will
need to begin the program again.
See 7b use a fire-set ,_J,,ed(-ookmet_m.