4dvantium Oven
l'bllow eookw.r: .sug,g>s'Uons on lk_
ove_ dispk: ) or in :I_ Cookbook or
Cooking" g'uid_.
Cookwar: _:iIl beeon, ko: because q/"
ke(,': :ra,_,!jbrr.l jiom :he k.,,:.l jDod.
Oven mills will b_ n.&d :o k.ndk,
Pktee fi_od dDveU3 on Uzenon-,s:iek
p_.@:_d:b U. or.. :odo oU..r_,i.s.
L:'.s(U_ non-.s:ki: mda2 :r. 3 hz Uz_
.sam_ _::"3yo. _:ould .sea .si.U2o_:
baking" pan or baking :r(,').
h_ addition/o the eookw(,,_vp_vvidvd,
)'074 ((ll_ f4.se 1_ol_-_itel(,,l ((,',s:sp?_ffe
dishes; pie plates a?_d otk(.r he.!-s@.
eo{kwarv. ]Jlaee Ihem d_*ve@ o_ Ihe
t:_e.su*': Io ukel a .size llzal will
11 Plae_ Ik_ non-.slki: m(I(U Ir<0
o_z Ik_ lurntabk, tgae_ glas.s or
et l'glizzie eoo/Igo(l?'( Olg lt_( !;_'(l),
@ Do nol *,',s(eookw(ov or eovering:s
made q/'p(#:( >;pla,slie, orjDU wke':z
cook ing du ring"a .sp_edeook e3He.
Advantium gives you the flexibility
to cook yore" finorite dishes.
If you want to c.ook a _?)od item that
is not among the pre-set sele( tiol_s,
t_se custom speedcook.
1. Press the CI.,rSTOM SPEEDCOOK
(/'no (mries a*w mad( wilkin ! 5 .s(con&
It_ di.spk 0 will _*_.rI back Io Ike Ih?.
2. Tmn the selector dial to select
the cooking time. Press the dial
to enter.
Tke diSpb 0 _,:il2pmmy )ou :o .sdee:
It_ power k<ml(.s).
Turn the dial ck)ck_ise to increase
or cotmterclo( k_>ise to decrease
the uppe_ power lexe!. P_ess the
dial to e_teL
4. Tmn the dial to change the
lox_er powe_ lexel. Press the
dial to el_teL
5. Press tile START/PAUSE
pad or press the selector
dial to start cooking.
tsbr power k_:(2 and cooking" lime
.sugg<slion,s, u.s_3our cook inKg'u ide
or cook book.