4dvanlium Oven
Advantium uses po_vr flom a
high intensity halogen light, ceramic
heaters, and microwaves to cook
food flom the top, bottom, and
inteIioi simuhaneouslv to seal i_]
HloistHFe alld flavoE
When using the pre-set speedcook
recipes on the food menu, the powei
levels are already selected fbc vou.
Howevec, these power levels can be
ac!iusted befb_e or during cooking.
See P()VER/TEMP in the Cooki_]g
Controls section. The custom
speedcook featme allows you to
speedcook items not on tf_e poe-set
tbod menu by selecting your own
cook time and power level setti_]gs.
Each power level gi_es you heater
]po_ec a_]d microv_axe enec_T k)_ a
certain percemage of the time.
7) )( 7)
L01'!<7_[_ t )_'!<%[, (L) controls the
]oweI heateL
Select a higher setting to brown
foods more on the bottom. Select a
lo_;ec setting fin less brow_]h]g on
the bottom.
Press the SPEEDCOOK pad
and tmn the dial to select FOOD
to m;m ually set power level a_]d
timen Press the dial to emec.
2_. Turn tb,e dial to select a Jbod,
time or po_er le;el as prompted.
Press the dial to enter.
L,'lff}l{t_ [)OBI{H (U) controls both the
upper heater and microwave power.
A higher UIYq'£R P()B'_'£R setting will 4.
utilize more upper heatec powec,
bcowning food fbster on top. A lower
L;f't'I_t_ PO_'Iq'H_setting utilizes more
microwave po*awr, causing food to 5.
cook more evenly throughout.
Select a higher setting for foods such
as pizza and baked goods. Select a
lowec setting for fbods such as
casseroles, meat a_]d fish.
To change the power level
when prompted by the display,
turn the dial clock_qse to increase
or (ounter(lockvAse to de( tease
the upper power lexe]. Pcess the
dial to entec.
Mi(rowaxe lexels are set
automaticalh_ based on the upper
and lower lamp setth]gs.
Press the START/PA[JSE pad or
the selector dial to start cooking.
.sdA*_g:sfl_.s_ p_s.s _ke dim _o mow _o_ke
_ext .sdecAo_z.
[(_e_s .so g]gaI you do 1_o[ or(> or
Follow lt,<segen_>ralguidelin_<_ when selecting the &<stU= and L= ._etling_L/bryour
javorite redp_<_:
[r = Select a higher settil]g fi)r L =
thin }bods cequiring a golden
brown top (example: fish fillets,
toast, boneless chicken bceasts).
Select a k)wer setting for thicker
fi)ods and fi)ods with high sugar
or fat contem (example: cakes,
io asts).
Select a higher setting fin" thick
or dense ff)ods that may not
cook quickly in the cente_
(example: cassecoles). Select
a lo*awr setting fbr thin foods
(example: cookies) and fbods
comah]h]g high fbt oc sugac
content (example: pastry,