Page 100 Application-Specific Tasks
Tip: To create an entry that always appears at the top of the Contacts list, begin the Last name
or Company field with a symbol, as in *If Found Call*. This entry can contain contact
information in case you lose your handheld.
Duplicating a Contacts entry
You can duplicate existing entries, which can be helpful when you want to enter multiple people
from a single organization. When you duplicate an entry, the word Copy appears next to the name
in the First Name field.
To duplicate an entry:
1. From the Contacts list, select the name you want to duplicate.
2. Press Menu .
3. Under Record, select Duplicate Contact (/T).
4. Edit the entry as necessary.
5. Hold Option and press Return to finish.
Selecting types of phone numbers
You can select the types of phone numbers or e-mail addresses that you associate with a
Contacts entry. Any changes you make apply only to the current entry.
To select other types of phone numbers in an entry:
1. Select the contact name for the entry that you want to change.
2. Press Space to open the entry.
3. Press Menu .
4. Under Record, select Edit Contact (/E).
5. Tap the pick list next to the label you want to change.
6. Select a new label.
7. Hold Option and press Return to finish.