Page 82 Application-Specific Tasks
To dismiss a reminder for multiple alarms, do one of the following:
■ Tap the check box next to an item to clear that item from the reminder list.
■ Tap the item text or icon clear the item from the reminder list and jump to that item.
■ Tap Done to close the reminder list without clearing the items. An indicator blinks in the
upper-left corner of the screen. To return to the reminder list, tap the blinking indicator.
■ Tap Snooze to be reminded again in 5 minutes. An indicator blinks in the upper-left corner of
the screen. To return to the reminder list, tap the blinking indicator.
■ Tap Clear All to dismiss all the alarms.
Scheduling repeating or continuous events
The Repeat function lets you schedule events that recur at regular intervals or extend over a
period of consecutive days. A birthday is a good example of an event that repeats annually.
Another example is a weekly guitar lesson that falls on the same day of the week and the same
time of day.
Typically, a continuous event is an untimed event such as a business trip or a vacation that
continues for several days but doesn’t occur at a particular time of day.
To schedule a repeating or continuous event:
1. Tap the event.
2. Tap Details.
3. Tap the Repeat box to open the Change Repeat dialog box.