HP PCL Code Samples
HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 117
Set Text Length Esc & l 72 F 11 in. page length - [3/4 in. margin +
1 1/4 in. bottom margin] = 9 in. 9 in.
X 8 lpi = 72 lines
Specify Fixed 12 cpi Esc (s 0 p 12 H 12 cpi is used to set columns for side
margin calculations.
Set Left Margin Esc
& a 6 L 3/4 in. margin = [6 columns X 12 cpi
(selected font pitch)] + 1/4 in.
unprintable region
Set Right Margin Esc
& a 90 M Page width is 8 1/2 in. The
unprintable region accounts for 1/4
in. leaving 8 1/4 in. (99 columns at 12
cpi). To set the 3/4 in. margin set the
page width at 7 1/2 in. (90 columns at
12 cpi).
Position CAP for
Esc * p - 95y + 475 X Relative movement. 95 decipoints
up 475 decipoints to the right.
Select Character Set Esc
(12U Selects PC-850 character set.
Select Header Font Esc
(s 6 h 12 v 0 s 3 b 6
Sets font to Letter Gothic 6cpi 12
point bold.
Header Text DeskJet Printer Family
Set VMI to
/48 in. Esc
& l 9 C Provides a desirable line spacing for
12 point font used in main text.
End Header <CR> <LF> Moves CAP out of header and
positions it at top/left margin.
Set Main Text Font Esc (s 1p 12v 0s 0b
Sets font to CG Times 12 point.
Main Text In February 1988 HP
Position CAP for Footer Esc * p 2875 y 1800 X Absolute movement
Specify Footer Font Esc
(s 0p 24h 6v 0s 0b
Sets font to Letter Gothic
Footer Text
Reset Printer Esc E Clears partially composed pages;
returns printer to default settings.
Command Line,
Action Command Comment