92 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide
The following notation is used to define data types in the font definitions:
(BOOL) Boolean (0,1)
(UBYTE) Unsigned Byte (0 . . . 255)
(SBYTE) Signed Byte (-1 28 . . .1 27)
(UINT) Unsigned Integer (0 . . . 65535)
(SINT) Signed Integer (-32768 . . . 32767)
(ULINT) Unsigned Long Integer (0 . . . (232-1 ))
(SLINT) Signed Long Integer (_231. . . (23 (ASCxx)
ASCII String (array (0 . . . (xx-1))) of characters
11.2.1 Font Descriptor Size (UINT)
This field contains the number of bytes in the font descriptor (not the font definition size, which
is given by the escape sequence value field). See the font definition tables for the appropriate
value. The font is invalid if the size is less than the minimum required.
11.2.2 Descriptor Format (UBYTE)
Identifies the font as one of the following:
0 Standard Bitmap
20 Resolution-Specified Bitmap
Unrecognized values invalidate font creation.
HP DeskJets prior to the HP DeskJet 600 Series use a value of 9 for landscape fonts or
fonts larger than 18 points; all other HP DeskJet fonts use a value of 5.
The HP DeskJet 600 and 85X Series printers only support formats 0 (Standard Bitmap),
and 20 (Resolution-Specified Bitmap).
11.2.3 Symbol Set Type (UBYTE)
Describes the font’s relationship to symbol sets.
Value Symbol Set Organization
0 Bound font, 7-bit (96 characters) - Character codes 32-127 [decimal] are print-
1 Bound, 8-bit (192 characters) - Character codes 32-127 and 160-255 printable.
2 Bound font, 8-bit (256 characters) - All codes are printable except 0, 7-15, and
10 Unbound font, no symbol set affiliation - Character codes correspond to MSL
numbers (for Intellifont unbound scalable fonts)
11 Unbound font, no symbol set affiliation - Character codes correspond to Unicode
numbers (for TrueType unbound scalable fonts)