How This Developer’s Guide Works
12 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide
4.0.10 Detailed Command Description
This is where all aspects of the command are explained. All details of the command and its
usage are covered, including the effect of the command on the printer and the printing envi-
ronments, all the command's options and the effect of each of those options, and any
extended impact the command may have which you should be aware of.
4.0.11 Important Point
Where a blue exclamation point appears, special information that you should keep in mind is
presented. (As a side note, if you print this document on a monochrome printer, the exclama-
tion point will appear a dark gray.) This information may be of a cautionary nature, or it may
be included in this emphasized format to point out special cases, which may apply for a com-
mand. Any information noted in these areas should be read carefully before you use the asso-
ciated command.