HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 97
11.2.19 Typeface [LSB/MSB] (UBYTE)
Specifies the HP typeface number of the font. Three versions of this field are used: the obso-
lete single-byte version for older fonts, the version used by HP DeskJet 500 and HP LaserJet
III printers, and the new HP LaserJet 4 version (also used by the HP DeskJet 600 and 85X
Series printers.
Single-Byte Version
HP DeskJets prior to HP DeskJet 500 and HP LaserJets prior to HP LaserJet IID used only the
least significant byte (LSB). These printers ignore the upper byte (MSB) in the current version
described below.
HP LaserJet III / HP DeskJet 500 Version
The typeface word includes a 4-bit field for the vendor number, a 2-bit field for the version
number, and a 9-bit field for the actual typeface number. The most significant bit of the most
significant byte is always zero. The typeface word is shown below.
Typeface Family Value
Typeface Base Value
0 Line Printer or Line Draw
3 Courier
4 Helvetica
5 Times Roman
6 Letter Gothic
7 Script
8 Prestige
. . .
Version (typeface word partial sum multiplied by 512)
0 1st version
1 2nd version
5 Black
6 Extra black
7 Ultra black
Default = 0
Range = -7 to 7 (less than -7 maps to -7; greater than 7 maps to 7)
15 14 11 10 9 8 0
0 Vendor Version Typeface Base Value
Value Stroke Weight