HP Palmtop PC User Guide - 93
• For full reimbursements, you can verify the deposit account in the
Expenses window.
The reimbursement amount appears in the Expense Log as a negative number.
Splitting transactions
You may want to enter split or itemized transactions if:
• You need to divide a single expense between more than one client
or department.
• You want to assign a portion of a transaction amount as Non-Reimbursable
or Personal.
1. Select the transaction you want to split, or tap the New Line button.
2. In the Expense Record, tap the Split button.
• After you add an item, the Amount field in the Split Expense Record
shows the outstanding balance.
• For each item, identify whether you’ll be repaid. Changing the setting in
the main Expense Log has no effect on the split items here.
• The itemized transactions that make up the split transaction are displayed
in the Split Expense Log.
• Copy the selected item and insert it in the next line by taping on the
“Duplicate” button.
3. In the Expense Record on the left side of the window, enter information
for each part of the split transaction. Tap Enter to add each item to the
Split Expense Log.
4. Continue adding line items until you have added one itemized line for each part
of the transaction. Then tap OK.
Changing the Expense Types list
Fixed expense types are expense types required by ExpensAble. They include
Airfare, Mileage, and Breakfast to name a few. You can change the name of a
fixed expense type, but you cannot delete a fixed expense type or add a new one to
the Expense Types list.
The Expense Types drop-down list shows the expense types you can choose from
when you enter transactions. The list includes some fixed expense types that are
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