50 - HP Palmtop PC User Guide
Completing an expense report is easier, more convenient and more cost-effective
with Quicken ExpensAble for Windows CE (QE/CE) from On the Go Software.
QE/CE replicates the look and feel of its award-winning desktop companion,
Quicken ExpensAble (QE) in a fully featured expense reporting application.
Fiscal Pro
Fiscal Pro is a financial application software designed specifically for real estate,
retailing and business professionals who need to use their palmtop PCs to make
financial decisions quickly and accurately. Fiscal Pro employs a “form filling”
metaphor to provide you with a rich problem solving environment that is unparal-
leled in its ease of use, power and flexibility.
Microsoft Voice Recorder
Record voice memos and notes to yourself without having to contend with paper
and pen. The Voice Recorder allows you to record messages to yourself quickly
and conveniently.
bFAX Pro
Fax Send/Receive Application
Send, receive and manage faxes quickly and conveniently. Attach Pocket Word
documents (pwd), plain text files (txt), received-faxes (tif), bitmap images (bmp),
even your own handwritten notes to your faxes.
Send and receive Internet mail, and send faxes. If you have an account with an
Internet Service Provider (ISP), you can use Inbox to send and receive messages
via a dial-up connection using a PC card modem.
Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer
Find information on the Internet. The Pocket Internet Explorer toolbar makes it
easy to enter an address, return to your start page, and store favorite addresses in
a folder.