HP Palmtop PC User Guide - 69
Working with Pre-Installed Applications
2. If this is the first time you have saved the file, type a name for it in the Name
box, and then open the location in which you want to store it.
3. If you are saving a Pocket Word document, go to the Type list and select the
file type.
4. Tap OK.
To close a document or workbook
• Tap the Close button on the toolbar.
If only one document or workbook is open, closing it also closes Pocket Word or
Pocket Excel, respectively.
Finding and replacing text or data
Use the commands on the Edit menu to quickly locate or revise information in a
file. In Pocket Word, use Find (CTRL+F) to locate information and Replace
(CTRL+H) to revise information. In Pocket Excel, use Find/Replace (CTRL+F)
to do either.
Pocket Word searches the whole document regardless of where the insertion point
is located when you start the search.
When finding or replacing information, you can specify not only the text or data
to locate or replace, but also how to conduct the search. Set your search options in
the Find and Replace dialog boxes that appear after choosing a command from
the Edit menu.
Choose this search option
Match whole words
Match case
Match entire cell
Look in
If you want to
Search for the whole word only (Pocket
Word only)
Search for the word or phrase exactly
as typed
Search for an exact and complete match
of characters in a cell (Pocket Excel only)
Search for a particular workbook
attribute, either a value or formula
(Pocket Excel only)