78 - HP Palmtop PC User Guide
Pocket Excel stores values with 15 digits of precision, regardless of displayed
format. To indicate a negative value, either type a minus sign in front of the value
or enclose the value in parentheses.
If a number includes an internal space (for example, 98 123) or any other charac-
ter not shown in the preceding list, it is entered and displayed as text; however, a
number followed by a space (for example, 98123 ) is formatted as a number.
To format a cell as a number
1. Select the cell.
2. On the Format menu, tap Cells.
3. Select one of the number types from the Category list.
4. Tap OK.
Working with various number types
Pocket Excel lets you choose from eight different number types: Number, Cur-
rency, Accounting, Date, Time, Percentage, Fraction, and Scientific. Here are some
guidelines for working with a few of them.
Currency guidelines
• If you enter a number with the currency symbol, the symbol must precede
the number.
• The default number of decimal places is 2 and the maximum is 15. Pocket
Excel will round a number if it has more decimal places than that specified for
the cell.
• Values are right-aligned in the cell by default. If you use parentheses to
indicate a negative value, Pocket Excel adds a space after positive values, so
that decimal points for both positive and negative numbers align correctly
within a column.
Dates and times guidelines
• Pocket Excel ignores capitalization.
• If you want to display time using the 12-hour clock, type am or pm (for
example, type 3:00 pm). Otherwise, Pocket Excel automatically displays time
using the 24-hour clock (for example, 15:00).