B Control panel menus 210
Configure device menu
I/O submenu
Items in the I/O (input/output) menu affect the communication between the product and the computer.
Item Values Explanation
I/O TIMEOUT=15 5 to 300 Use this to select the I/O timeout period in seconds. (I/O timeout refers to the
time, measured in seconds, that the product waits before ending a print job.)
This setting allows you to adjust timeout for best performance. If data from
other ports appear in the middle of your print job, increase the timeout value.
Initiates a search to find a valid SMTP server and a valid LDAP server on the
network. AUTO DISCOVER also configures the two addresses after finding the
valid servers.
SMTP GATEWAY SMTP SERVER The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the SMTP server that processes the
e-mail sent from the product.
This address must be configured for e-mail to function.
LDAP GATEWAY LDAP SERVER The IP address of the LDAP server that provides the address book for e-mail
sent from the product.
This IP address is optional.
TEST SEND GATEWAYS Validates the configured servers.