Upgrading Software on an M2, M4, or EP Management Module to Release 07.8.04a Release Notes for 07.8.04
B. If the routing switch is running software EARLIER than release 07.6.01b, copy release 07.6.01b to flash
memory. Then reboot the device to load the 07.6.01b software.
C. Copy release 07.8.04a to flash memory, and reboot the routing switch to load 07.8.04a software.
A. Upgrading Boot Code on a Management Module to Version 07.06.05
To upgrade the boot code on an M2, M4, or EP management module to version 07.06.05:
1. Store boot code version 07.06.05 (filename: M2B07605.bin) on a TFTP server that the routing switch can
2. Enter the following command at the privileged EXEC level of the CLI (for example: ProCurve 9300#) to copy
the boot code from the TFTP server into the flash memory of the management module:
copy tftp flash <ip-addr> <image-file-name> boot
3. Verify that the code has been successfully copied by entering the following command at any level of the CLI:
show flash
The boot code version is displayed on the line that begins with “Boot Image size”. Ensure that boot code
version 07.06.05 is displayed for the active management module.
4. If a standby (redundant) management module is installed in the routing switch, synchronize the boot code on
the standby management module by entering the sync boot command.
Verify that boot code 07.06.05 has been successfully copied on the standby management module by entering
the show flash command.
5. Reboot the routing switch to load boot code 07.06.05.
B. Upgrading Software on a Management Module From a Release Earlier than
To upgrade the software on an M2, M4, or EP management module from a release EARLIER than 07.6.01b to
release 07.8.04a:
1. Verify the version of boot code installed on the management module by entering the show flash command.
The boot code version is displayed at the end of the line that begins with “Boot Image size”. Ensure that boot
code version 07.06.05 is displayed.
NOTE: The show flash command only displays the version of boot code installed on the device. It does not
display the version of boot code running on the device.
If you rebooted the routing switch after installing boot code 07.06.05 (as described in “A. Upgrading Boot
Code on a Management Module to Version 07.06.05”), the required boot code is running. If you are not sure,
ProCurve recommends that you reboot the device now.
2. Store software release 07.6.01b (filename: H2R07601b.bin) on a TFTP server that the routing switch can
3. Upgrade the software on the management module to version 07.6.01b by entering the following command:
copy tftp flash <ip-address> H2R07601b.bin [primary | secondary]
primary copies software to the primary (default) storage area in flash memory.
secondary copies software to the secondary area in flash memory.
If no redundant management module is installed, the message TFTP to Flash Done is displayed when the
upgrade is complete.
If a redundant management module is installed, the message Sync Secondary code in flash...Done