
Hardware Components
PCI Cards
Chapter 5
SCSI Adapter Cards
Adaptec 29160 SCSI PCI Adapter Card.. Your workstation has an Ultra 160/m SCSI
card. The Adaptec SCSI card has a system bus rate of 533MB/sec, a SCSI data transfer
rate of 160MB/sec, and the capability to support as many as 15 peripheral devices.
The Adaptec SCSI card can connect to Low-Voltage Differential (LVD) SCSI devices (for
example, Ultra2 and Ultra 160/m) and Single-Ended (SE) SCSI devices (for example,
Ultra SCSI, Fast SCSI, SCSI-1). Examples of SE devices include DAT drives, scanners,
and older hard disk drives.
Figure 5-1 Adaptec SCSI Card
The following is a description of connectors 1 through 4.
Connector 1: 68-pin external connector for LVD SCSI devices
Connector 2: 68-pin internal connector for LVD SCSI devices
Connector 3: 68-pin internal connector for wide SE SCSI devices
Connector 4: 50-pin internal connector for narrow SE SCSI devices
Although SE SCSI devices work when you attach them to connector 1 or 2, it limits all
devices to SE mode. For example, this limitation would result in the Ultra 160/m hard
disk drive performance being limited from 160MB/sec to 40MB/sec. Therefore, you
should connect only LVD SCSI devices to connectors 1 and 2.
Connector 2
Connector 3
Connector 4
Connector 1