Tests And Error Messages
Error Message Summary
Chapter 4
Error Message Summary
In the event an error generates in POST during the boot process, the Error Setup
Manager gives access to one or more detected errors. Each EMU error displays as a
four-digit code with an associated text message on the monitor screen and/or the
MaxiLife LCD panel.
You can get further details by pressing Enter. A detailed description of the reason for the
failure and how to solve the problem displays. The following examples give the different
types of error categories.
Category #1: If the error is only a warning (such as, key stuck), the POST should
a. After a time-out period of five seconds without any intervention, the
system resumes to boot.
00100 Keyboard Error
Category #2: If the error is serious, the POST should prompt:
00xx The BIOS has detected a serious problem that prevents your PC from
Press Enter to view more information about error messages.
Code # Cause/Symptom Short message (US)
0000h Any POST error that isn’t listed below System error
0010h CMOS Checksum error (if no serial EEPROM) Incorrect CMOS Checksum
0011h Date and time (CMOS backed up from SE2P) Date and time lost
0012h PC configuration lost (both SE2P and CMOS lost) Incorrect PC configuration
0020h Any POST error regarding an AT option ROM Option ROM error
0040h Serial number corrupted (bad checksum or null #) Invalid PC serial number
0041 Product flag not initialized or bad Invalid internal product type
0060h RPO initialization failure Remote power on error
0100h Keyboard stuck key Keyboard error
0101h Keyboard self-test failure Keyboard error
0102h Keyboard controller I/O access failure Keyboard error
0103h Keyboard not connected Keyboard error
0300h Floppy A: self-test failure Flexible disk drive A error
0301h Floppy B: self-test failure Flexible disk drive B error