Shared Printers
This section provides information about printing over a network using Microsoft File and Printer
Sharing. A printer is connected to a PC (host) that has the printer driver installed. After you
share the printer, users at other PCs (Clients) on the network can print to it. Up to 10 Client PCs
can share the printer at one time. Users at Client PCs do not have the same level of access to
the printer driver as a user at the Host PC.
The following operating system configurations are supported:
• Both the Client and Host PCs run Windows XP. See "Printer Sharing for Windows XP or
Windows Server 2003".
• Both the Client and Host PCs run Windows Vista. See "Printer Sharing for Windows
Vista Client PCs".
• The Host PC runs Windows Server 2003 and the Client PCs run Windows XP or
Windows Vista.
• The Host PC runs Windows Server 2008 and the Client PCs run Windows XP or
Windows Vista.
See "Printing Cards Using a Shared Printer" to use and manage the printer.
See "Updating the Driver When Sharing Printers" if you need to update the driver when sharing
This section describes the components you need to use the card printer with printer sharing.
Network: A TCP/IP compatible network must be set up and working before you begin.
Host PC: The PC with the printer attached is called the Host PC. The Host PC must be
connected to the network, and have permissions for users set.
Port connection: The printer can be connected to the Host PC through a USB port or a
direct network connection.
Client PC: The Client PC is connected to the Host PC over the network.