Shared Printers
Installation Guide 71
Updating the Driver When Sharing Printers
For best results, follow the guidelines in this section when updating the driver for shared
The 4.x Card Printer Driver now supports automatic updating from the Host PC
to the Client PC. Do not delete the driver at the Client PC unless instructed to do
so in this section.
If you are currently using a legacy driver
If you are currently using a legacy driver, such a version 7.x, do the following:
1 Record settings at the Host PC and at the Client PC so you can use them with the new
2 Delete the printer and driver from the Client PC, and run the cleanup utility.
3 Delete the printer and driver from the Host PC, and run the cleanup utility.
4 Install the printer using the 4.x driver at the Host PC.
5 Set up the host for printer sharing. See "Setting up the Host PC for Windows XP and
Windows Server 2003" or "Set Up the Host PC for Printer Sharing on Windows Vista".
6 Install the printer at the client PC. See "Setting up the Windows XP Client PC" or "Install
the Driver on the Client PC".
If you are currently using a 1.0 or 2.x driver on Windows XP
If you are currently using a 1.0 or 2.x driver on Windows XP, do the following:
1 Record settings at the client PC and at the Host PC so you can use them with the new
2 Make sure all cards sent to the printer have printed or been cancelled. Do not send
cards to print from Client PCs or the Host PC during this procedure.
3 Log onto the Host PC as a user with Administrator permissions.
4 Insert the driver CD in the Host PC drive.
5 Choose “Install the Printer” from the CD menu.
The driver will update at the host PC.
6 At the client PC, the driver will update automatically. The time required to update
depends on network speed, activity at the Host and Client PCs, and other factors.
7 To verify that the driver at the Client PC has been updated, open the Printer Toolbox and
look at the driver version.
— Choose Start > Programs > Card Printer > Card Printer to open the Printer Toolbox.
— View the version of the driver.