Updates, Upgrades, and More
Installation Guide 76
You can update a driver using a newer driver CD or using files downloaded from the Web site.
Updating a Driver Using Downloaded Files
1 Prepare the printer for installation. See "Preparing the Printer" for the steps to follow.
2 Log on to the PC as a user with Administrator access (Windows Vista) or Administrator
permissions (Windows XP).
3 Use Windows Explorer to locate the downloaded file. See "Installing from Downloaded
Files" if you need to download the driver.
4 Double-click the downloaded files on the PC.
5 Click “Continue” on the User Account Control dialog box if it appears.
6 The License Agreement window appears. Click the “I accept . . .” choice and then click
the “Next” button.
7 The Update Confirmation dialog box appears. Click “Yes” to
8 The installation displays a “Please wait” message.
9 When the update is complete, one or two “Update
successful” dialog boxes appear. Click ”OK” as
needed to continue.
None Windows Server
4.x No
7.x Windows 2000 None None
7.x Windows Server
4.x No--remove and install
the new driver
7.x Windows XP 4.x No--remove and install
the new drier
Existing Driver
New Driver Update?