
Event Reporting
148 ESL E-Series Tape Library User’s Guide
Critical events
Critical events indicate that a failure has occurred in the cabinet. The user must
intervene to return the cabinet to operation.
Table 26 lists the critical events provided by the library.
Table 26: Critical events
Critical Events
Sensor *name needs attention
Sensor *name needs attention
Tape move failed
Tape inventory failed
Tape Alert Flag 4 - Media
Tape Alert Flag 5 - Read Failure
Tape Alert Flag 6 - Write Failure
Tape Alert Flag 9 - Write Protect
Tape Alert Flag 13 - Recoverable Snapped Tape
Tape Alert Flag 14 - Unrecoverable Snapped Tape
Tape Alert Flag 16 - Forced Eject
Tape Alert Flag 20 - Clean Now
Tape Alert Flag 22 - Expired Cleaning Media
Tape Alert Flag 23 - Invalid Cleaning Cartridge
Tape Alert Flag 30 - Hardware A (Reset Needed)
Tape Alert Flag 31 - Hardware B (Power Cycle Needed)
Tape Alert Flag 33 - Eject Media
Tape Alert Flag 38 - Predictive Failure
Diagnostic command *cmd command failed
Unable to get medium changer statistics
Maximum temperature exceeded
Drive update
Library communication time-out
Incompatible media