Verify system complicity with regulatory standards
Verify system complicity with regulatory standards
The following checklist should be filled out during the preliminary site visit to ensure regulatory standards
are met and that any site deficiencies are identified:
Table 3
Computer room
No. Area or condition Yes No
1. Is there a copy of the completed floor plan?
2. Is there adequate space for maintenance needs?
3. Is access to the site or computer room restricted?
4. Is the computer room structurally complete?
5. Is a raised floor installed?
6. Is the raised floor adequate for equipment loading?
7. Are there channels or cutouts for cable routing?
8. Is there a remote console telephone line available with an RJ11
9. Are telephone lines for remote support available?
10. Are customer supplied peripheral cables available?
12. Is a lift tool available if required?
Power and lighting
No. Area or condition Yes No
13. Are lighting levels adequate for maintenance?
14. Are there ac outlets available for servicing needs?
15. Does the input voltage correspond to equipment specifications?
16 Does the input frequency correspond to equipment
17. Are lightning arrestors installed?
18. Is power conditioning equipment installed?
No. Area or condition Yes No
19. Is there a dedicated branch circuit for equipment?
20. Is the dedicated branch circuit less than 250 feet (72.5 meters)?