Identify the High Availability Requirements
Identify the High Availability Requirements
SPU-level Enhanced Power Availability
At the SPU level, enhanced power availability is achieved through the n+1 hot-swappable power supplies.
Two power supplies are required for normal rp7400 system operation and in order to allow the system to boot.
The third power supply is a redundant power supply that provides the n+1 capability.
Any one of the power supplies can fail without affecting system performance, and can be replaced while the
system is on-line. Single point of failure is reduced to the PDU or PowerTrust UPS to which the power supply
power cords are connected.
Cabinet-level Enhanced Power Availability
At the equipment cabinet level, enhanced power availability is achieved by interweaving the three power
supply power cords across different branch circuits in the PDUs. The following illustration shows how three
SPUs can be connected to three 30A PDUs for high availability:
In this arrangement, any one branch circuit or any one 30A PDU can fail without shutting the system down.
This reduces single point of failure to the facility power circuit providing power to the PDU or PowerTrust