Determine Service Access Needs
Determine Service Access Needs
Hewlett-Packard CEs must have clear and unobstructed access to perform service on the equipment. The
rp7400 system also needs a sufficient aisle space for air flow and cooling.
• Aisle space for cooling — a minimum of 0.91 meter (3 ft.) aisle space is recommended in the front and
back of the rp7400 SPU cabinet.
• Service area — The HP recommended service area for the front and rear of the rp7400 SPU should not
take precedence over local codes and regulations. However, HP does require a minimum of 0.91 meter (3
ft.) of clearance on the front or back along with 1.22 meter (4 ft.) on the opposite side (front preferred) to
allow for future, add-on installations. HP suggests consulting your local authority having jurisdiction
familiar with the current regulations for compliance in your area.
Determine Security Access
Most computer rooms are secure access environments. The Hewlett-Packard CE should consult with the
customer to arrange for computer room access in the event of an after-hours service call.