Review the Plan With the Customer
Review the Plan With the Customer
30 days prior to solution delivery date, the Hewlett-Packard Site Preparation Specialist will verify that the
site meets or exceeds the system requirements and specifications. At this time, the Site Preparation
Specialist and the customer should again review the site survey checklist with particular attention to the
following items:
• Power needs. Verify that the required dedicated circuits are available. Verify that the required cables,
plugs, and receptacles have been ordered. Verify that grounding requirements have been met.
• Space needs. Verify that sufficient space exists for uncrating and installing the equipment. Verify that
serviceability space has been included in the floor layouts.
• Cooling needs. Verify that the customer site air conditioning meets the requirements for rp7400 systems.
Verify that the configuration of the system cabinets does not create air temperature problems for
surrounding equipment.
• Utility needs. Verify that requirements for phone lines, lighting, etc., have been incorporated in the layout
Sites failing to meet the system requirements and specifications by the scheduled solution delivery date may
have their installation date postponed.