
1. Insert the HP XC System Software Version 3.1 or Version 3.2 DVD into the DVD drive of
the local laptop or PC.
2. Do the following from the Onboard Administrator management Web page:
a. In the left frame, click the plus sign (+) to open the Device Bays menu.
b. Click the plus sign (+) next to the node that represents the head node.
c. Click on the link to the iLO to open the Integrated Lights-Out 2 Web utility.
3. Click the Web Administration link in the body of the window to open the iLO2 Web
Administration page.
4. Click the Remote Console tab.
5. Open the remote console, map the local DVD drive to the server blade, and turn on power
to the node. The procedure depends upon the type of browser you are using:
Internet Explorer
If you are using Internet Explorer as your browser, do the following:
a. Click the Integrated Remote Console link to open a virtual console window that
provides access to the graphics console, virtual media, and power control in the same
b. Click the Drives pull-down menu.
c. Click Mount to mount the appropriate DVD drive
d. Click the Power button and then clickMomentary Press to turn on power to the server
and start booting from the DVD.
e. Proceed to step 6.
Mozilla Firefox
If you are using Firefox as your browser, do the following:
a. Click the Remote Console link to open the virtual console window.
b. In the iLO2 Web Administration window, click the Virtual Devices tab.
c. In the left frame, click the Virtual Media link.
d. Click the Virtual Media Applet link to open a new window that provides access to the
virtual media functions.
e. Go to Virtual Media Applet window, and in the Virtual CD-ROM area of the window,
click Local Media Drive and use the drop-down menu to select the drive where you
inserted the HP XC DVD.
f. In the left frame of the iLO2 Web Administration window, click the Virtual Power link
to access the power functions and then click Momentary Press to turn on power to the
server and start booting from the DVD.
g. Proceed to step 6.
6. Look at the remote console window and watch as the XC DVD boots.
7. Start the Kickstart installation process when the Boot: prompt is displayed:
Boot: linux ks=hd:scd0/ks.cfg
Some hardware models require additional options to be included on the boot command
line. Before booting the head node, look in Table 4-2 to determine if your head node requires
a special option.
Table 4-2 Boot Command Line Options Based on Hardware Model
Boot Command LineHardware Model
boot: linux ks=hd:scd0/ks.cfg pci=nommconf
HP ProLiant BL465c
boot: linux ks=hd:scd0/ks.cfg pci=nommconf
HP ProLiant BL685c
4.2 Task 2: Install HP XC System Software on the Head Node 25