on the head node, to start the MySQL service, and initialize the configuration and management
1. Begin this procedure as the root user on the head node.
2. Change to the following directory:
# cd /opt/hptc/config/sbin
3. Start the system preparation process:
# ./cluster_prep --enclosurebased
4. See Chapter 3, Task 3 in the HP XC System Software Installation Guide, which describes each
cluster_prep prompt and provides information to help you with your answers.
When the cluster_prep processing is complete, the head node is accessible through the
external network.
5. To proceed with the discovery process, you must reset the temporary cabling and settings
you made to the Onboard Administrator. Do one of the following, depending upon how
you accessed the Onboard Administrator:
• If you accessed the Onboard Administrator through a connection to a public network,
return all cabling to its original configuration and press the reset button on the Onboard
• If you assigned a temporary static IP address to access the Onboard Administrator, do
the following:
a. Clear all enclosure bay IP addressing settings.
b. Use the Insight Display panel on the enclosure to set the Onboard Administrator
for DHCP.
c. Return all cabling to its original configuration.
d. Press the reset button on the Onboard Administrator.
6. Log in to the head node as root using the head node external IP address:
# ssh IP_address
Proceed to “Task 4: Discover Switches.”
5.4 Task 4: Discover Switches
The HP XC System Software has been designed to communicate directly with the Onboard
Administrator on each enclosure. Thus, the discover command obtains the required
configuration information directly from the Onboard Administrator to automatically discover
all components in the hardware configuration.
Follow this procedure to discover the switches and activate the administration network. Before
you begin, you must have already returned the Onboard Administrator to its original
configuration and you must be logged in to the head node through the external network
1. Change to the following directory:
# cd /opt/hptc/config/sbin
2. Discover the switches:
# ./discover --enclosurebased --network [--ic=AdminNet] --verbose
NOTE: The [--ic=AdminNet] option is required only if you are configuring the
interconnect on the administration network.
Command output looks similar to the following:
Discovery - XC Cluster version HP XC V3.1 RC2 20061022
5.4 Task 4: Discover Switches 29