5.2 Task 2: Change the Default IP Address Base (Optional)
You may need to change the default IP address base of the HP XC private networks if the default
values conflict with another IP address base at your site. The IP address base is defined in the
base_addrV2.ini file.
Follow this optional procedure to change the default IP address base for the HP XC private
1. Begin this procedure as the root user on the head node.
2. Use the text editor of your choice to edit the /opt/hptc/config/base_addrV2.ini file.
The default file content is similar to this:
# This file contains the base addresses for the network components
# in XC cluster.
The following describes the parameters in this file:
nodeBase The base IP address of all nodes.
cpBase The base IP address of the console branch.
swBase The base IP address of the Ethernet switches. The IP address range
for InfiniBand interconnect switch modules is based on this value,
netMask The netmask that is used for all connections on the administration
icBase The base IP address of the interconnect.
icNetMask The base network mask of the interconnect.
dyStart The start of the dynamic IPaddress range usedduring the discovery
dyEnd The end of the dynamicIP address range used during the discovery
3. Follow these guidelines if you make changes to the base_addrV2.ini file:
• Change only the first octet of a base address; 172 is the default.
• Use the same first octet for all base IP addresses.
• Use a private domain as defined by the RFC.
4. Save your changes and exit the text editor. Because this is a read-only file, the method by
which you save the file depends upon the text editor you used.
For example, if you are using the vi text editor, enter :w! to save changes to a read-only
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to edit the base_addr.ini file and make the same changes you
made to the base_addrV2.ini file.
Proceed to “Task 3: Use the cluster_prep Command to Prepare the System”.
5.3 Task 3: Use the cluster_prep Command to Prepare the System
Use the cluster_prep command to define the node naming prefix, to set the configuration
and management database administrator's password, to configure the external Ethernet connection
28 Discovering the Hardware Components