
8 Troubleshooting
This chapter contains troubleshooting information to help you resolve problems you might
8.1 One or More Ports Do not Communicate Properly on a Gigabit
Ethernet Switch
If your hardware configuration contains Gigabit Ethernet switches, verify the following if one
of more ports do not communicate properly:
Switch virtual LANs (VLANs)
Most managed switches support VLANs. Verify the switch configuration to make sure that
all ports you are trying to use are on the same VLAN. Do the same for blade interconnects
as well. Check the settings of any relevant switches in any affected server blade enclosures
for VLANs.
Switch management ports
Some larger ProCurve switches might have a port dedicated for management. This port
might not communicate normally with the other ports on the switch until it is configured
to do so. Most often, this port is port 1 of slot 1. If you have problems with this port, try
using a different port or read the switch documentation for instructions to reconfigure the
port or add it to the default VLAN.
8.2 lsadmin limrestart Command Fails
Task 17 in Chapter 3 of the HP XC System Software Installation Guide describes LSF
postconfiguration tasks. It is possible that the lsadmin limrestart command will fail if the
LSF control node was assigned to the wrong node name. If the command fails, messages similar
to the following are displayed:
[root@blc2n1 ~]# lsadmin limrestart
Checking configuration files ...
There are fatal errors.
Do you want to see the detailed messages? [y/n] y
Checking configuration files ...
Platform LSF 6.2 for SLURM, May 15 2006
Copyright 1992-2005 Platform Computing Corporation
Reading configuration from /opt/hptc/lsf/top/conf/lsf.conf
Dec 20 21:00:38 2006 11220 5 6.2 /opt/hptc/lsf/top/6.2/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64-
slurm/etc/lim -C
Dec 20 21:00:38 2006 11220 7 6.2 setMyClusterName: searching cluster files ...
Dec 20 21:00:38 2006 11220 7 6.2 setMyClusterName: Local host blc2n1 not defined
in cluster file /opt/hptc/lsf/top/conf/lsf.cluster.hptclsf
Dec 20 21:00:38 2006 11220 3 6.2 setMyClusterName(): unable to find the cluster
file containing local host blc2n1
Dec 20 21:00:38 2006 11220 3 6.2 setMyClusterName: Above fatal error(s) found.
There are fatal errors.
To correct this problem, enter the following commands on the head node where
control_nodename is the name of the node that is the LSF control node:
# controllsf stop
# controllsf set primary control_nodename
# controllsf start
8.1 One or More Ports Do not Communicate Properly on a Gigabit Ethernet Switch 41