Connection Cable Technical Specification
The exact serial cable is crucial. Many commercial null modem cables will not work. For best results the following cable is
Serial cable: 9000060CABLE
D9 Female D9 Female
1 7
2 3
3 2
4 6,8
5 5
6,8 4
7 1
9 no connection
Some laptop devices do not properly implement all control lines on the serial port – the laptop connection will not work.
RTS/CTS Handshaking and the Serial Port
l RTS Ready to Send
l CTS Clear to Send
l DTR Data Terminal Ready
l DSR Data Set Ready
l Remote Side The device sending data to and receiving data from the MX3Plus through the serial cable connected to the
RS232 ports on both devices.
l Serial Cable: 9000060CABLE
The MX3Plus serial port supports four types of handshaking via the serial cable: None, standard Xon/Xoff, standard
DTR/DSR, and a form of RTS/CTS.
To use RTS/CTS, the remote side computer must clear the DTR line which sets the MX3Plus CTS line and allows the
MX3Plus to send data to the remote side.
And then signals and data travel smoothly between both devices.