
Chapter 7: Key Maps
MX3Plus 101-Key Equivalencies
l The following keymap is used on an MX3Plus that is NOT running a Terminal Emulator. Terminal emulators use a
separate keymap (later in this section).
l When using a sequence of keys that includes the 2nd key, press the 2nd key first then the rest of the key sequence.
l When the computer boots, the default condition of NumLock is On and the default condition of Caps (or CapsLock) is
l The Caps (or CapsLock) condition can be toggled with a 2nd+F1 key sequence.
l The CAPS LED is illuminated when CapsLock is On.
l The warmboot behavior of CapsLock can be set via the MX3-VXC Options tab in the Windows CE Control Panel.
To get this Key / Function Press these Keys in this Order
Power / Suspend Power
Volume 2nd F8
Backlight 2nd F10
2nd 2nd
Shift Shft
Alt Alt
Ctrl Ctrl
Esc Esc
Space Spc
Enter Enter
Scan Scan
Left Scan key default value is Scan
Right Scan key default value is Enter
CapsLock (Toggle) 2nd F1
Back Space BkSp
Tab Tab