Suspend Mode
The Suspend mode is entered when the device is either inactive for a predetermined period of time, the user taps the Power
button or the user selects Start > Suspend.
Suspend timers are set using Start > Settings > Control Panel > Power > Schemes tab. Any of the following Wake up Events
can be configured via a Power Management API call:
l Any key on the keypad
l PC card activity
l Power button tap
l Stylus touch on the touch screen
l External power connection
l USB client connection
When the device wakes up, the User Idle, System Idle and the Suspend timers begin the countdown again. When any one of
the above events occurs prior to the Suspend timer expiring, the timer starts the countdown again.
The first wakeup key press or touch is not sent to the operating system or running application – the first keypress or touch is
only used to wake up the unit and reset the timers. Once the unit has transitioned from the Suspend mode to the On mode, the
unit, keyboard and touch screen function normally.
Critical Suspend Mode
The purpose of the Critical Suspend mode is to reduce power consumption to a lower level that still retains the contents of
SDRAM. The device enters Critical Suspend Mode only when the main battery has failed or is removed/hot-swapped. The
backup battery is supplying power to the unit during Critical Suspend Mode.
When hot-swapping (the main battery is removed and replaced), the display turns off, the BATT M LED begins to flash red, all
peripherals are shut down, the CPU clock is stopped, and power is removed from the PCMCIA card.
When the device is in the Critical Suspend state (the main battery is in place and the device is being powered by the backup
battery), the display turns off, the BATT M LED begins to flash red, all peripherals are shut down, the CPU clock is stopped,
and power is removed from the PCMCIA card. The operating system is saving the state prior to the main battery failing and
cannot be used.
If a fully charged main battery is installed before the backup battery is depleted (approximately 5 minutes) the device
transitions to the Suspend state. To resume operation tap the Power key.
If the backup battery is depleted before a fully charged main battery is inserted, the device immediately turns itself Off and all
unsaved information is lost. Insert a fully charged main battery and press the Power button to turn the device On.
Off Mode
The MX3Plus enters the Off Mode when the Main Battery and the Backup Battery are depleted. Insert a fully charged main
battery and press the Power button to turn the device On.