
Icon Function
RFTerm is an optional terminal emulation program for mobile devices with a Windows operating System.
When RFTerm is installed, this icon is displayed on the desktop.
A shortcut to the Remote Desktop Configuration utility.
Wavelink® Avalanche Mobility Center™ (Avalanche MC) is a remote client management system that is
designed to distribute software and configuration updates to monitored devices, including Windows CE com-
puters. The enabler for Wavelink Avalanche is loaded on the mobile device but not installed. When the enabler
is installed this icon is displayed on the desktop.
The demo version of Wavelink Telnet CE is installed on all devices. Contact Technical Assistance for licens-
ing information. When installed, license details are maintained in the Wavelink tab in the License Viewer con-
trol panel.
Factory installed. Tapping the desktop icon displays information on the Java version installed. Files can be
accessed by tapping Start > Programs > JEM-CE. Doubletap the EVM icon to open the EVM Console. A
folder of Java examples and Plug-ins is also installed with the Java option. Java applications running on the
mobile device are not currently supported.
Start button. Access programs, select from the Favorites listing, documents last worked on, change/view set-
tings for the control panel or taskbar, on-line help or run programs.
The number and type of icons displayed are based on the device type, installed options and configuration of the MX3Plus.