15 65-0303—05
Change Parameter Settings
Change parameter settings by selecting the parameter on the
page. A dialog box displays for the parameter with controls
allowing the user to change the value (see Fig. 19). After
changing the setting to a new value, press the OK button.
Pressing the Cancel button leaves the parameter unchanged.
The changed setting is reflected on the screen and sent to the
control when the OK button is pressed.
Fig. 19. Change configuration parameter page example of
a Hydronic Control.
Pressing the Verify button displays safety configuration
parameters for an additional verification step to commit the
Safety parameters are grouped into blocks that include only
safety parameters, not a mixture of safety data and non-safety
data. All parameters within the safety group undergo a
verification process. A safety parameter group is identified on
the display to indicate when the configuration parameters are
safety-related. Each safety parameter group is verified one at a
time until all have been verified. See Fig. 20.
Fig. 20. Safety verification.
Like operating parameters, safety parameters can be viewed
without the need to enter a password.
Safety parameter blocks that have been changed require
verification. The verification steps do not have to be completed
immediately; the installer can move between and change
parameter groups before the verification is done. A Verify
button is enabled that allows the installer to conduct verification
sessions (the example of the Verify button in Fig. 15 is not yet
enabled because the installer hasn’t logged in).
NOTE: When the installer proceeds with the safety parameter
configuration, the control unlocks the safety parame-
ters in this group and marks them unusable. Failure to
complete the entire safety configuration procedure
leaves the control in an un-runnable state (lockout 2).
All safety configuration parameters in the group should have
the same access level. If this condition isn’t so, the user is
asked to enter another password when a higher access level is
Successful login is noted by the lock icon, which changes to
“unlocked” on the page. The installer may begin to change
safety parameters (or any other parameters) at that time. (See
Fig. 21.) If the Sola Control is in an unconfigured (or new)
state, then this warning doesn’t appear. All parameters that
need changes should be changed during the login.
Fig. 21. Edit safety data.
If the safety configuration session is terminated after it has
started (in the Edit or Verify stages), the Sola Control is left in
an unconfigured (unrunnable) state.
The installer can terminate the session by pressing the Menu
button or by attempting to leave the Verification page with the
Home or Back buttons (top-left and -right screen corners,
respectively). However, leaving the session at this point leaves
the control in an unrunnable state and confirms whether the
installer still wants to do so.
The settings of all parameters in each safety block must be
verified to save them in the control.
When the installer is done changing safety parameters,
pressing the Verify button on the configuration screen begins
the Verification process. The settings for all safety parameters
in each changed block are presented and Verified by the
installer (see Fig. 22).