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Fig. 94. Diagnostics analog I/O page (left).
Fig. 95. Diagnostics analog I/O page (center).
Fig. 96. Diagnostics analog I/O page (right).
Diagnostics Tests
Pressing the Diagnostics Test button launches the diagnostic
tests. The first test displayed on the right side of the screen is
the last selected test shown, as seen in Fig. 97.
This screen enables the user to perform the following tests:
Modulation Test: enables the user to verify that the burner is
firing at the correct rate. (See Fig. 97.)
Pilot Test: enables the user to verify that the pilot valve is
functioning properly. The user can also perform burner
adjustments for the pilot flame. (See Fig. 98.)
Pump Test: enables the user to verify that the correct pump is
on or off. The Start Test button will test all pumps; pressing an
individual pump tests that pump only. (See Fig. 99.)
Burner Switch: this button turns the burner on or off.
Start Test: runs the test for 5 minutes.
Fig. 97. Modulation test.
Fig. 98. Pilot test.