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Fig. 109. Trend analysis page with firing rate.
Fig. 110. Trend analysis page with demand source.
If any of the status variables has degrees as a unit of
measurement, degrees is used for the main Y axis (on the left
of the graph). The status variables selected are saved and are
displayed by default when the trend analysis menu page is first
displayed. Status data is updated on the graph with new status
at the same rate as the sample time period selected. The
current sample time period is displayed in a button on the page
(in Fig. 109 and 110, the button is “Seconds”).
Status older than the sample time period is dropped from the
right end of the curve as newer status appears on the left end
of the curve.
Trend data can be viewed in one-second (most recent 60
second time period), 15-second (most recent 15-minute time
period), and hour (most recent 24 hour time period) intervals.
NOTE: Full graphs require that the S7999B has been moni-
toring the R7910 or R7911 for the complete time
period. Partial graphs display if this is not the case.
The buttons at the bottom can be used to change the view of
the graph. The user can change the sample rates of the
display by pressing the Seconds, Minutes, Hours, or Days
button (the button changes depending on what sample rate is
currently displayed). The + and - buttons zoom in and out of
the graph so the Y axis depicts different degrees of detail for
the data range. The viewing window can be moved up and
down the graph to see the complete range when zoomed in.
The smallest measurement interval is a single whole digit (no
fractional precision) when the entire range exceeds 10 units,
e.g., 20–30 degrees.
Pressing the Stop button will pause trend data updates of the
graph. The graph “freezes” the view when stopped. However,
trend data sampling from the R7910 or R7911 continues
regardless whether the graph update is stopped or not.
Restarting the updates causes the graph to be refreshed with
the latest data samples.
Pressing the Clear button will clear the trend sample data for
an R7910 or R7911. All trend data for the R7910 or R7911 is
cleared including status variables that are not included in the
graph. The user is asked to confirm this action before
NOTE: For system trend analysis graphs the Clear button
isn’t present, so no status variables can be cleared.
A snapshot of the trend analysis graph can be taken and saved
to the S7999B. The user is asked to confirm the save before it
NOTE: While this snapshot is saved, trend data sampling for
all R7910s or R7911s is temporarily halted. Gaps or
static level values occur in the trend data as a result.
The date and time that the snapshot is taken is stored with the
snapshot. Only the status variables displayed in the graph are
stored in the snapshot. All raw sample data for the status
variables are stored so that any sample rate can be viewed
Sample data stored in snapshot is either the real-time status at
the time that the Save button is pressed or it is the sample data
at the time that the graph is stopped.
Special case trend analysis graphs for PID tuning can be
viewed for CH, DHW, and Lead Lag demands.
Fig. 111. PID Trend analysis page.
Data included in the PID analysis graph are:
• Sensor temperature (outlet for CH, DHW for DHW, and
header for Lead Lag)