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The Display clock is set by selecting the Date and Time button
on the Advanced Setup page. A screen similar to the following
figure (Fig. 114) displays.
NOTE: It’s important that the time be set in the Display so
correct timestamps are given to the R7910A or
R7911 lockouts. The display’s time and date need
to be set should power be interrupted to the dis-
Fig. 114. Display Date and Time.
Edit the date and time and press the OK button to set the new
settings. Press the Cancel button to exit without changing the
time or date.
Pressing the Version button on the Advanced Setup page
displays manufacturer and software version information (Fig.
115 and 116).
Fig. 115. Code version—top view.
Fig. 116. Code Version—bottom view.
User Preferences
The User Preferences button displays General options as well
as those for for COM1 and COM2.
Fig. 117. General tab.
The General tab (see Fig. 117) contains the following settings:
• Display alerts on Status Summary Bar? This determines
whether non-safety alerts will be shown on the summary bar
of the home page.
• Display empty parameter groups? This cleans up the
home page by hiding unused parameter groups.
• Automatic synchronization with control when
connections is made? This allows automatic display of
new control to update when the connection is identified
instead of manually making the synchronization when the
operator is ready.
• Sound Audio Alarm for faults? This uses the display
speaker to sound an alarm on shutdown for SOLA faults.
The COM1 tab (see Fig. 118) contains the following setting:
• Modbus address range 1-N: Sets the Modbus address for
the connected device (range is 1 to 250).