Using GPS 159
• Signal reception may be affected by obstructions such as high-rise
buildings, tunnels, bridges, forests, weather (rainy or cloudy days),
etc. If the vehicle’s visor contains metal, it will be difficult for the GPS
signal to pass through. To have better signal reception, try connecting
your device to an external GPS antenna.
• The Global Positioning System (GPS) is built and operated by the US
Defense Department. The Department is responsible for the accuracy
and maintenance of the system. Any changes that the Department
makes may affect the accuracy and function of the GPS system.
• Wireless communication products (such as mobile phones or radar-
detecting devices) may interfere with the satellite signal, resulting in
unstable signal reception.
• Please do not leave your Pocket PC in the vehicle and expose to direct
sunlight to avoid overheating the battery that could pose damage to
the device or risk to the vehicle.
8.2 Downloading Satellite Data via QuickGPS
Before you start to use your device for GPS navigation, open the QuickGPS
program first to download Ephemeris data (current satellite position and
timing information) onto your device. This data is needed to determine the
GPS position of your current location.
QuickGPS downloads Ephemeris data from a Web server, instead of from
the satellites, using the Internet connection on your device, which can
be via ActiveSync, Wi-Fi, or GPRS. This significantly speeds up the time for
determining your GPS position.
To open QuickGPS
• Tap the QuickGPS icon ( ) on the Today screen; or
• Tap Start > Programs > QuickGPS.
To download data
• Tap Download on the QuickGPS screen.