Using GPS 169
1 This Scale Bar shows the distance
range shown on the map based on
the current zoom scale.
2 This is your current position on
the map. Tap on another location
to move to a different part of the
3 Tap to center the map on your
current position.
4 This is the Zoom Bar. Change the
scale of the map by moving the
Zoom Bar up or down.
5 Tap to choose what items to show
on the map, such as points of
interest, favorites, street names,
and more.
6 Tap to find specific addresses and points of interest on the map.
7 This is the Cursor button. Tap to navigate to the cursor position on the map, make
a favorite of the cursor position, or find a point of interest near that position.
You can change the way TomTom Navigator looks and behaves. Tap Change
preferences on the Main Menu to access and adjust the settings. The
following are some of the settings that you may want to customize for
Setting Description
Use night colors Reduces the brightness of the screen and uses darker
colors on the map. Use this setting when you are in a dark
To change back to brighter colors, tap Use day colors.
Turn off 3D display Displays the map in two-dimensional view. You can choose
whether the map shows your direction of travel at the top,
or keep north at the top. If you choose to keep north at
the top, the map will not move as your direction of travel
To switch back to seeing the map from your perspective as
you drive, tap Turn on 3D display.