170 Using GPS
Setting Description
Safety preferences Allows you to enable Safety lock, which temporarily hides
some buttons and features of Navigator while you’re driving,
and gives you the option to temporarily Turn off map
display so that you see only the information about the next
Allows you to choose which categories of points of interest
to display on the map.
Turn off sound Turns the spoken instructions off. To turn the voice back on,
tap Turn on sound.
Manage Favorites Lets you rename, delete and find favorites.
Change Home
Allows you to set your Home location, which can be your
actual home, or any place you often go to such as your office
Manage maps Allows you to download or delete a map, or switch to
another map.
Manage POIs Allows you to add, edit or delete a POI or a category. You can
also enable a notification sound to alert you when you’re
close to a POI.
Sets the kind of route planned when you select a
destination. By default, the fastest route is planned.
Toll road
Sets how Navigator handles toll roads if they are on the
route to your specified destination. You can choose to
always avoid toll roads, never to avoid them, or to be asked
what to do if a toll road is found.
Lets you choose whether to display a compass.
Change map colors
Sets the color schemes used for day and night map colors.
Name preferences Lets you select the information to show on the map in the
Driving View screen.
Status bar
Lets you select the information to show on the Status Bar in
the Driving View screen.
Set units Set the units used for distances, time, latitudes and
longitudes, etc.
Change voice Allows you to choose another voice for the spoken
instructions. (Available only when you’ve installed several
voices into Navigator).
Change language Lets you select the language used for the TomTom Navigator