56 Using Phone Features
Swap Image options
Both parties
(My video small)
The other party's image is large while your
image is small. This is the default setting.
Both parties
(My video large)
The other party's image is small while your
image is large.
Both parties (equal)
Both your image and the other party appear
the same size.
Other party only
Only the other party's image is displayed.
Set up video call options
On the Phone screen, or on the screen of the ongoing video call, tap Menu
Video Call Options. You can set the following options:
Video Call Options: General tab Video Call Options: Services tab
General tab
• Show still image. Select the image you want to display when you
turn off the camera.
• Preset (female). Displays a female picture provided by your
service provider.
• Preset (male). Displays a male picture provided by your service
• Custom image. Lets you use an image from file as your display
picture. When this option is selected, the File Name box and the
Browse button will be enabled, allowing you to select an image