122 Exchanging Messages
To reply to an MMS message
1. In the Messages inbox, press NAVIGATION Up or Down to select the mobile
phone number or name of the contact who sent you the MMS message.
2. In the threaded message, MMS messages will have the icon. Tap this icon
to open and view an MMS message.
3. After viewing the MMS message, tap Menu > Reply > via MMS to reply
with an MMS message or tap Menu > Reply > via SMS to reply with a text
To block a phone number from sending you MMS messages
If you do not want to receive MMS messages from a particular sender, you can add
the sender’s phone number to the MMS Blacklist.
1. When you receive a new MMS message, open and view the message.
2. To avoid receiving MMS messages from this sender next time, tap
Menu > Show > Message Detail.
3. On the Message Detail screen, tap Menu > Show Contact Details.
4. Tap Menu > Save to Blacklist.
5. Tap Done.
Tip To unblock a phone number and allow the sender to send you MMS messages,
remove the number from the Blacklist. Go to the Messages inbox, tap Menu > MMS
Options > Blacklist tab, tap and hold the phone number in the Blacklist, and then
tap Delete.