Beaming content
Make sure that both devices are unlocked and have NFC turned on. If the other
device has an Android Beam
option, make sure it is also turned on.
1. While viewing the content that you want to share, hold HTC One and the other
phone back to back.
Make sure that the NFC area (shaded part) of HTC One and the other phone's
NFC area are close to one another. Experiment by slightly moving the phones
until a connection is made.
2. Tap the screen.
The shared content appears on the other screen. For some items that you've shared
(such as contact information), additional instructions on how to save the item will
appear on the receiving device.
HTC Mini+
About HTC Mini+
Want to multitask and take calls, read text messages, and more while browsing the
Web or watching videos? Buy the HTC Mini+ and use it with HTC One.
Here are some of the things you can do right on HTC Mini+:
172 Wireless sharing