About the Zoe app
The Zoe app combines photos and videos that you and your friends have taken (at
the same event, for example) and shared. Engage with the Zoe community, where
everyone's content is public.
When using the app, here are a few key terms that you
should know about:
Zoe A video collage of your photos and videos,
automatically added with theme and
Clip A photo or video that you can choose to
include in a Zoe, including any contributions
from its remixes.
Remix A new Zoe created when you reshuffle or add
more clips to another Zoe and also when you
change its original theme and soundtrack.
When you open the Zoe app the first time, you'll need to sign in with your HTC
Account. You can also use your Google Account or Facebook account to sign in for
an HTC Account. Your use of the Zoe app is subject to the HTC Account Terms and
Conditions or applicable Terms of Use.
To learn more about the Zoe app, swipe right to open the slideout menu, and then tap
the link to the help content.
85 Zoe