4. To download or purchase the app, tap Install (for free apps) or the price button
(for paid apps).
5. Tap Accept.
Apps sometimes get updated with improvements or bug fixes. To automatically
download updates, after installing the app, tap > Auto-update apps.
To open the app, go to the Apps screen and tap the app.
Restoring apps from Google Play
Upgraded to a new phone, replaced a lost one, or performed a factory reset? Restore
apps that you previously downloaded.
1. Open the Play Store app.
2. Tap to open the slideout menu.
3. Tap My apps, swipe to the All tab, and then tap the app you want to restore.
4. Install the app.
For more details, refer to the Google Play help.
Downloading apps from the web
You can download apps directly from websites.
§ Apps downloaded from websites can be from unknown sources. To help protect
HTC One and your personal data, we strongly recommend that you only download
from websites you trust.
§ Before you can install the downloaded app, make sure that you've set HTC One to
allow installation of third-party apps in Settings > Security > Unknown sources.
1. Open the browser, and then go to the website where you can download the app
you want.
2. Follow the website's download instructions for the app.
After installing the app, make sure to go back to Settings > Security and clear the
Unknown sources option.
22 Phone setup and transfer