Sending a text message (SMS)
1. Open the Messages app.
2. Tap
3. Enter a contact name or mobile number in the To field.
4. Tap the box that says Add text, and then enter your message.
5. Tap , or press to save the message as a draft.
§ There is a limit on the number of characters for a single text message (displayed
above ). If you exceed the limit, your text message will be delivered as one but
will be billed as more than one message.
§ Your text message automatically becomes a multimedia message if you enter an
email address as the recipient, attach an item, or compose a very long message.
Sending a multimedia message (MMS)
1. Open the Messages app.
2. Tap .
3. Enter a contact name, mobile number, or email address in the To field.
4. Tap the box that says Add text, and then enter your message.
5. Tap , and then choose an attachment type.
6. Select or browse for the item to attach.
7. After adding an attachment, tap to see options for replacing, viewing or
removing your attachment.
8. Tap , or press to save the message as a draft.
93 Messages