Chart Views
Chart Views - The standardChart, ChartBig Digits, and Chart NoReadouts Views
show cartography from the built-in UniMap™ or an optional MMC/SD map for
the area surrounding your current position. The current track (also known as the
position history or breadcrumb trail) showing where the boat has been, along
with saved tracks, waypoints, and the current route (when navigating), are
overlaid on the chart.
• Use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to shift/pan the chart to another
• Press the ZOOM (+/-) keys to zoom in and out.
• Press the INFO key to get information on the chart objects near the
NOTE: Standard Bird's Eye View and Chart View share the same set of nine readouts, seven
ofwhichareadjustable. When you changethe readoutsdisplayedon the Bird'sEye View, the
readoutsare also changed on the Chart View.
NOTE: Bird's Eye Big Digits View, Chart Big Digits View, and Instrument View share the same
set of eight readouts. When you change the readouts displayed on one of these views, the
readoutsare alsochangedon theother twoviews.SeeNavigation X-Press™ Menu: Select
Readoutsfor moreinformation.
NOTE: When two or more waypoints overlap, or are displayed close together on a
chart view, the screen will automatically declutter—waypoint names will shorten
andthe waypoint iconswill change into small blue icons.
To view a Decluttered Waypoint at full size, use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to
movethecursor ontoa declutteredwaypointicon.When thecursorsnapsontothe
icon,thefull-sizewaypointnameandiconwill be displayed.Youcanalsopressthe
ZOOM+ key until you can see theindividual waypoints on the screen.