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Software updates can be added to your Chartplotter. Go to the Humminbird®
web site for information and computer requirements at www.humminbird.com
or call 1-800-633-1468.
In addition to your Chartplotter and personal computer with Internet access,
you will need one of the following optional-purchase accessories:
• MMC Card Reader (AS CR)
• PC Connect Cable (AS PC2)
Updating Software requires the following top-level steps:
1. Log on to www.humminbird.com.
• Register your Chartplotter.
• Download HumminbirdPC™ to your computer.
2. Once you have registered your Chartplotter, you can access software
downloads from your online profile.
3a. MMC/SD Card:
Follow the instructions provided with the MMC/SD
Card Reader to connect the MMC/SD Card Reader to a personal
computer and download the software update.
• Install the MMC/SD card with the updated software file into your
control head.
• Power on your control head. The Chartplotter will recognize the
new software and run through a series of prompts to confirm
software installation.
3b. PC Connect Cable: Follow the instructions included with the PC
Connect Cable to connect your Chartplotter to your computer.
NOTE: The MMC/SD Card Reader and PC Connect cable require a separate
purchase. For more information, visit our web site at www.humminbird.com or
contact our Customer Resource Center at 1-800-633-1468.
Multi-Media Card (MMC)/SD Slot